Lidl's £25 Bike Workstand!

Twitter was all abuzz last week with news that Lidl have begun to stock a foldable bike workstand for what sounds like a very economical £24.99. Too good to be true? Luckily, Ride Velo Towers, our new premises, happen to be directly opposite Brixton’s very own branch of Lidl so we went over to investigate.

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The Proper Way to Fix a Puncture

Ride Velo recently went on a bike maintenance course and learnt the proper way to fix a puncture. However, we haven't had a puncture recently. What did happen, though, was that some nasty person nicked my wheels when my bike was chained up outside... So £200 on Wiggle later, I'd replaced all the stolen bits with nice shiny new ones, and some more for good measure. So, in the spirit of sharing (not stealing), here's how to fix a puncture properly:

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Bike Knowledge is Power!

Many of us are embarrassed to admit it but, despite many years on the bike, our basic maintenance skills aren’t quite up to scratch.  I have to confess to struggling when putting a tyre back onto a wheel with numb fingers after a puncture on the roadside. More than once I’ve reverted to using a tyre lever to get that last bit over the rim. Shocking, I know, and I’ve suffered numerous pinch punctures afterwards as a result. And, as for gear indexing and replacing brakes, I’m ashamed to say that I’ve usually left this for the bike shop pros.

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